In life, everyone has a desire to receive change in one way or the other. Many try to change themselves to no avail. It doesn’t succeed because; no one understands how to change them.
But if we understand the world of the heart then change becomes easily. The change of our life begins from the point of discovery. Our life changes from the discovery of my true image. Henceforth, change happens automatically.
1. It Seems That I Changed but I’m Still The Same Person
Just like America received change upon the settlement of the Puritans from Europe who introduced Christianity to the country and built churches and schools then their houses. After which, they began sending missionaries abroad to spread the gospel.
This history dates back to 200 years ago. Many people try their level best not to lie, steal, and do neither drugs nor even lust. But they still find themselves in the same position as before without any change.
As much as they try, though it seems like they have changed but again they find themselves not changed. But at the point they discover themselves that completely they cannot change (the point of realizing their true image), they can listen, be guided and then change.
2. Who is able to listen and receive change?
Who is able to listen and receive change? Only those who are able to accurately discover their true image. But to those who haven’t, they try day in day out to change themselves, all to no avail. The Bible exemplifies such people as well.
In Mark 5:25 And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years,
There is a woman who tried to change herself by visiting many physician’s but she couldn’t until she discovered her true image. She had bled severely for 12 years. When she realized that she is the one who couldn’t change herself, she listened to the voice of Jesus and she was able to change.
The same applies to the prodigal son in Luke 15. He thought he could change himself by going away from the father. But until the point where he felt he was perishing with hunger in the pig pen, he discovered his true image and went back to the father. Therefore, how many are able to accurately discover their true image? The greatest discovery in this world is to discover your true image. When you do discover, you are able to listen and be guided.
3. The Ark Who is the Image of Jesus Christ
In Genesis 7, there is the Ark representing Jesus. Many people think that only good people can enter into the ark or Jesus. But in verse 2, both clean and unclean animals entered the ark. Not only good people are the ones saved from the judgement of God. It doesn’t matter whether you are good or bad, as long as you enter the ark you’re able to be saved.
Those who are able to listen to the voice of God the way it is can enter the Ark. Those who discover their true image can listen to the voice of God. But others still don’t listen as they think that they still have done something good and are hindered from listening to the voice of God. They’re not willing to throw away their own heart.
In this excerpt of Genesis 7, not everyone was willing to enter the ark. Why? Not everyone discovered their true image. Only Noah was able to discover his true image and received the Word of God the way it is. Noah discovered his true image as only evil continually.
Genesis 6:5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
And could easily receive the Word of God the way it is whether it made sense or not.
4. It is Not That We Should Try to Change
Even though there were priests, lawyers, church elders and many other people only Noah and his family was saved as he was able to receive the Word of God the way it is (Genesis 7:21). Everyone, it is not that we should try and be diligent but only receive the Word of God the way it is.
And God remembered Noah and all that were in the ark
Genesis 8:1 And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters assuaged;
Everyone, it is not that we have to try and work hard. But as long as we are in the ark (Jesus), God is the one who remembers those inside it. Even though there may be storms and turbulence, God remembers those that are in the ark and protects them. Those who are in Jesus, in the church, though there may be difficulties and problems, God remembers and protects them.
Only those that can discover their true image can enter the ark whether the Word makes sense or not. The greatest discovery ever is the discovery of my true image. When we discover our true image we are able to listen to the Word of God. And eventually the Word is able to change us.
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